Tuesday, May 11, 2010


An outtake from a photography class photo shoot.  
5 weeks and 4 exams until I'm finished High School.
4 months 'till I'm living in Toronto. 
I'm basically counting down the days that yield me.  
I'm going to Ryerson next year for Journalism! 
As usual I'm excited for the future and bored with the present. 


Ola said...

love ur blog
great post



Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new life in TO "Lady Ventino"...I'm wondering what your new definition of "lady" is? You might want to read the hints here: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Lady and here: http://www.wikihow.com/Have-Good-Manners especially the tips concerning how a lady shows respect and consideration for others. Just remember what goes around comes around darlin'

Anonymous said...

This photo intrigues me, I have many thoughts floating around this image, good job!! hurry to TO, its pretty amazing here! :)


private investigator said...

at least darkly and stylishly

mother of bride dresses said...

i agree
but so long time here is no a new post

music lessons Mississauga said...

it's time to share new pics:)
isn't it?

family lawyers Toronto said...

you and the shadow..
looks excellent

Toronto taxi service said...

old blog?
would be better to see something new

frameless glass doors said...

egg in a glass..
girl without face..

plastic soap containers said...

why building?

bbq caterers Toronto said...

The Beatles "Because"

car insurance broker Oshawa said...

smth new?

----The only rules I dress by are my own----

Lady V ♥'s mail

I love hearing from new people, so feel free to email me at tuntra@gmail.com

The Lady

My photo
Valentina= a 18 year old girl with an intense love for life, color and style. My family is my life and I’m having a torrid affair with television and loving every second of it. I like my school and I love my friends and I’m learning to love myself too. I love playing around with clothes but I haven’t found the patience yet to be able to keep up with actual fashion. This is a me blog where I’ll write about my life, my outfits and anything else that comes to mind. "It is absurd to divide people into good & bad. People are either charming or tedious." — Oscar Wilde)
The vast majority of the photos I use on this blog are not mine. Whenever possible I will credit photos but in some insistences this isn't possible. For example I have a collection of un-credited photos saved on my computer. So unless otherwise noted the photos on this blog are not mine. If you see an un-credited photo and it's yours (or you know who it belongs to) let me know so I can either take it down or give you credit.


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