Thursday, February 26, 2009
TiLT #10
Hamilton Spectator: especially my supervisor Joanne W-S. She's super nice and really understanding if I don't get everything done. There isn't really a set deadline for things for when things need to be published in general. But I am supposed to have everything up on the Spec blog by March break. The other people who are in the office I volunteer in are nice to be around too. Just a good atmosphere in general.
A little confidence and my principal: On the 19th I read the introduction in front of the school for the Black History Month assembly. After I read it twice (the assembly was split in two because of how many students there are at Westdale). It wasn't bad at all. Then I started thinking of how I get annoyed with Black History Month because we never really learn anything new and Black contributions are somewhat reduced to quiz facts. The assembly itself went quite well. There was a performance by a school step team and dub poet Klyde Brook performed as well. Anyways, it seems like with all the diversity talk that the opportunity to have actual discussions on various race issues are pushed to the way side as to not step on any toes. Not cool, not cool at all. Soooooooo I'm hoping to organize a type of race, racial awareness, and racism assembly or buy-in for the school. I'll keep you guys updated as this epiphany develops.
Sholeh: I was lolly gagging after school yesterday waiting for one of my bf's sister to get something and I ended getting the front of my hair corn rowed by Sholeh. Now she'll be braiding my hair every week some day after school. This is super convenient because no one in my house knows how to braid well. :X
Open atmosphere: (in my house) My house has a pretty open layout and it seems to be a funny correlation to the attitude of my family. We're open, and my house is generally pretty lively, either with voices, tv or computers pumping music. Sometimes it can be frazzling but overall it's wonderful to be around this.
Mrs. Shaw: She's my math teacher. This semester one of the classes I have is mixed math. Which is college and uni math mixed together. She can be a little condescending at times (she doesn't do it on purpose, she's a new teacher and I just think she hasn't struck that balance on how to communicate to students yet). I literally get anxiety attacks when it comes to math tests and quizzes. Thankfully when I, in a fit of frustration hand in a half completed test, get pushed by her to finish it. When I checked my mark and it said 90% I was shocked. I still am. I could actually finish this class with a pretty decent mark. But yeah I just really appreciate how she pushes me and let's my slow self take the time I need to finish stuff.
Direction: This, Idon'tevenknowwhattocallit, thing I wrote later today. I like it when I write something and I don't feel silly after.
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Lady Ventino by Valentina RossMottley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.
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- Valentina
- Valentina= a 18 year old girl with an intense love for life, color and style. My family is my life and I’m having a torrid affair with television and loving every second of it. I like my school and I love my friends and I’m learning to love myself too. I love playing around with clothes but I haven’t found the patience yet to be able to keep up with actual fashion. This is a me blog where I’ll write about my life, my outfits and anything else that comes to mind. "It is absurd to divide people into good & bad. People are either charming or tedious." — Oscar Wilde)
The vast majority of the photos I use on this blog are not mine. Whenever possible I will credit photos but in some insistences this isn't possible. For example I have a collection of un-credited photos saved on my computer. So unless otherwise noted the photos on this blog are not mine. If you see an un-credited photo and it's yours (or you know who it belongs to) let me know so I can either take it down or give you credit.
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