I was tagged by Lesley ages ago (literally! It was way back in October...) to do this little meme.
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
1. Before I decided that I wanted to be a journalist I wanted to be a writer. Only problem is, is that I can never actually think of stories. I'm not sure if this has to do with me not pushing myself far enough to explore possible possiblities but it's just something that is. I also think I'd be more inclined to work at a magazine than a newspaper.
2.I'm in grade 11 and go to Westdale SS. I've been in the French Immersion program since grade 1 and I'm glad my parents didn't let me drop out of French Immersion like I wanted to in grade 3.
3. I wear a ring on my left hand on my ring finger. Yes it looks like an engagement ring and no I'm not engaged. When I started wearing it on that hand I didn't really pay attention to that. But then people kept inquiring about it and asking who the lucky guy was. I usually joke back that I'm just engaged to myself. Right now I just take it as a physical representation of a promise(s) that I've made to myself. (Push myself, stay gold, love myself, acknowledge my faults without beating myself up over them; those types of things)

5.I have a personality full of contradictions. (Hmmm.... this might actually become a post for later this week.)
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