During summer break I did a whole lot nothing. The only productive thing I did was find new blogs and start blogging regularly. Wait, I take that back, August was the month I didn't do anything, during July I went to Summer School for g.10 math so that was productive. I was around some very smart people and since Math is not my strong point at all I was feeling less than stellar intelligence wise. Which isn't to say I was necessarily feeling sad, I just felt like "Okay, this is how it is. I'm not stupid, but I'll never be a genius or particularly intelligent". I know it's silly to compare myself to others but it's an old habit that tends to pop up into my mind at times. During August with this whole "not stupid/not a genius" rolling around in my head I started to doubt my abilities to write anything that isn't hot poo.
Then comes school, and because I refused to take any more sciences and I don't have 11 math 'till 2nd semester, I'm in love with all my classes. My brain is pumping and I'm getting excited about discussions I can bring to the table. I got my first World Religions assignment back on Friday. I got 80%, and lost most of my marks on communication. Barrett said he thinks my problem is that I think faster than I can type. He also said that he's impressed with my insight and thinks I'm one of the brightest students in his class(es).My reaction to that was --> :O/=D He has a policy that if he thinks the student tried and didn't rush the assignment that he'll let them re-write it, so hopefully the 2nd time around I can get a 90 something on that paper. In my English class we had to write a streamline of consciousness that stemmed from two short stories that we read. Myself and James (Minor) read ours in front of the class and the teacher liked what I wrote.
Compliments are awesome and are making me realize that maybe I don't suck as much as I think I do when it comes to school. Just don't talk to me about math. I think part of, or most of my fear comes from the fact that grade 6 was the last time I really put effort into school, so I'm worried that when I try and push myself with school that I'll end up with the same results that I've gotten academically for the last 4 years. I know that can't happen but the fear is still there, lurking in the back of my brain. I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester and I'm even looking forward to exams which is odd. Another thing I can't wait to do is a University road -trip. Since we are car free right now, we'd rent a car and myself and my mom would drive around looking at Universities I might apply to next year. My first choice right now would be to go to Ryerson for Journalism, other Universities I might apply to are Wilfred Laurier, Western, and Carleton.
For extra-curriculars I'm getting super excited about Stage Crew. Stage Crew is the behind the scenes people who do lighting, sound, design sets etc. for Westdale's plays and musicals. Stage Crew also includes doing costumes, make - up or being a stage ninja (the person dressed all in black moving stuff between scenes). So there's all these sub-categories and parts of crew that people can be a part of. For this year's musical, they're doing Cabaret and I'm trying to get myself into the costumes/stylist position for the musical. I want to try and learn about lighting and/or sound and do that stuff for the Sears Drama Festival. Then there's Classics which is my other major club that I'm in. I need to start getting my ass in action and start cross-stitching my projects (I'm doing 2) for this years' Conference. Umm, I'm also trying out for touch football and Rugby. I'm going to be a general member of Triune (student council), and SPA (students for political action), and if I find the time do yoga at a studio or at home. OH! And I want to try and go to Romania this summer for two weeks for a Journalism program, more on that later.
-Lady V
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Lady Ventino by Valentina RossMottley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.
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The Lady

- Valentina
- Valentina= a 18 year old girl with an intense love for life, color and style. My family is my life and I’m having a torrid affair with television and loving every second of it. I like my school and I love my friends and I’m learning to love myself too. I love playing around with clothes but I haven’t found the patience yet to be able to keep up with actual fashion. This is a me blog where I’ll write about my life, my outfits and anything else that comes to mind. "It is absurd to divide people into good & bad. People are either charming or tedious." — Oscar Wilde)
The vast majority of the photos I use on this blog are not mine. Whenever possible I will credit photos but in some insistences this isn't possible. For example I have a collection of un-credited photos saved on my computer. So unless otherwise noted the photos on this blog are not mine. If you see an un-credited photo and it's yours (or you know who it belongs to) let me know so I can either take it down or give you credit.
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wow, I would LOVE to do costumes for cabaret! musicals like that are the reason I want to be a costume designer. unfortunately we don't really do musicals in my design for theatre class, no sequins and feathers for me : (
let me know how it goes ok!
I'll make sure to take many pictures and blog about it a lot so you can live vicariously through me =D
that does look like mathilda!!
congrats on all those compliments!
and stage crew sounds absolutely amazing. i would love to have the chance to do costume or stage design. oooh!
thanks Queen G
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