Ugghh it's 2am why aren't I in bed yet? I'll go to sleep after posting this.
Anyways I thought I should post my reactions to who got chosen for the Top 4. I'm okay with everyone except Courtney. She's a wonderful dancer but I personally prefer Chelsie.
Here's how I want the Top 4 to place next week in the finale.
1. Katee
2. Joshua
3. Twitch
4. Courtney
I'd prefer either 1 or 2 winning and I could also see 3 and 4 switching places too. But then again Courtney got the most votes this week (overall in the girls category at least) so maybe she'll end up winning?
I've heard some rumors of a Hairspray sequel (do not want), does anyone know if that was the movie that Adam was talking about?
p.s. I promise things won't stay as mundane as they are now. All I've been doing lately is chores, watching BtVS and reading. Once I start cross stitching, and being able to post WIWT (What I Wore Today) entries, things should pick up.
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Lady Ventino by Valentina RossMottley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.
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The Lady

- Valentina
- Valentina= a 18 year old girl with an intense love for life, color and style. My family is my life and I’m having a torrid affair with television and loving every second of it. I like my school and I love my friends and I’m learning to love myself too. I love playing around with clothes but I haven’t found the patience yet to be able to keep up with actual fashion. This is a me blog where I’ll write about my life, my outfits and anything else that comes to mind. "It is absurd to divide people into good & bad. People are either charming or tedious." — Oscar Wilde)
The vast majority of the photos I use on this blog are not mine. Whenever possible I will credit photos but in some insistences this isn't possible. For example I have a collection of un-credited photos saved on my computer. So unless otherwise noted the photos on this blog are not mine. If you see an un-credited photo and it's yours (or you know who it belongs to) let me know so I can either take it down or give you credit.
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- "Arrogant" is the new "uppity"
- TiLT#2
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- SYTYCD Season 4 Finale -- Reaction Post
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